Collector, Dealer, Connoisseur: The Vision of Richard L. Feigen

Collector, Dealer, Connoisseur: The Vision of Richard L. Feigen

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 6. The Prophet Jeremiah.

Lorenzo Monaco

The Prophet Jeremiah

Auction Closed

October 18, 03:29 PM GMT


600,000 - 800,000 USD

Lot Details


Lorenzo Monaco

Florence circa 1370 - 1423/24

The Prophet Jeremiah

tempera on panel, gold ground

panel: 8 1/4 by 4 1/8 in.; 20.8 by 10.4 cm.

framed: 14 7/8 by 10 5/8 in.; 37.8 by 27 cm.

Part of a polyptych for the high altar of San Benedetto fuori della Porta Pinti, Florence, commissioned in 1407 by Luca di Piero di Rinieri Berri (see note);
Removed to Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence, 1529, at the time of the siege of Florence (according to Vasari and other later sources);
Marchese Alfonso Tacoli-Canacci, Florence, by 1792;
Private collection, Germany;
Anonymous sale, Munich, Neumeister, 16 March 1994, lot 325 (as Studio of Lorenzo Monaco, possibly by Bartolomeo di Fruosino);
There acquired by Richard L. Feigen.
Catalogo ragionato dei pittori della scuola toscana, undated MMS (“Tavola. Piccolo quadro rappresentante in mezza figura dipinta sopra fondo d’oro un Santo con apparenza di Vecchio, coperto il capo e le spalle con un manto bianco, e che tiene nella mano destra un Cartello bianco con alcune parole  in carattere Gottico B 1/3 B ¼-- Di Graffione Fiorentino—Di Alessio Baldovinetti—2.”);
MSS of the Tacoli-Canacci collection, 1792, reprinted V. M. Buonocore, Il marchese Alfonso Tacoli-Canacci: “Onesto gentiluomo smaniante per la pittura,” Reggio Emilia, 2005, p. 224;
M. Boskovits, “Su Don Lorenzo, pittore camaldolese,” in Arte cristiana 82 (1994), pp. 353, 362, note 13;
L. Kanter, Paintings and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence, 1300-1450, New York 1994, exhibition catalogue, pp. 251-262;
D. Gordon, “The Altarpiece by Lorenzo Monaco in the National Gallery, London,” in Burlington Magazine, no. 137, 1995, p. 724;
D. Gordon, “Renaissance Painting and Illumination at the Metropolitan,” in Apollo, no. 140, February 1995, p. 51;
P. Ackroyd, L. Keith and D. Gordon, “The Restoration of Lorenzo Monaco's 'Coronation of the Virgin': Retouching and Display,” in The National Gallery Technical Bulletin, vol. 21, 2000, pp. 43, 56, note 9;
D. Gordon, The Fifteenth Century: Italian Paintings, National Gallery Catalogues, London 2003, vol. I, pp. 177-179;
A. Tartuferi, in Lorenzo Monaco: a Bridge from Giotto’s Heritage to the Renaissance, exhibition catalogue, Florence 2006, pp. 167-171, reproduced p. 171;
A. Tartuferi, “Ancora su Lorenzo Monaco, dopo la mostra e il convegno,” in Intorno a Lorenzo Monaco: Nuovi studi sulla pittura tardogotica, Florence 2007, p. 16;
L. Kanter and J. Marciari, Italian Paintings from the Richard L. Feigen Collection, New Haven 2010, pp. 65-68, cat. no. 19, reproduced.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence, 1300-1450, 17 November 1994 - 26 February 1995, no. 32b;
Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, Lorenzo Monaco: A Bridge from Giotto’s Heritage to the Renaissance, 9 May - 24 September 2006, no. 23i;
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, Italian Paintings from the Richard L. Feigen Collection, 28 May- 12 September 2010, no. 19.