Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

Books and Manuscripts from the Japan Society Library

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 29. A group of bibliographies and dictionaries, some from the library of Ernest Mason Satow.

Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of bibliographies and dictionaries, some from the library of Ernest Mason Satow

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Property from the Japan Society Library, London

A group of bibliographies and dictionaries, some from the library of Ernest Mason Satow


A. Lesouëf, Catalogue des livres et manuscrits Japonais collectionnés [in French] (Leide: Imprimerie Orientale de E. J. Brill,1887)

Albert Koop, Japanese names & how to read them (n. p., 1920)

Albert Koop, Japanese names & how to read them (n. p., 1923)

August Pfizmaier, Die Zeichnung der Zwei Pa. Ein Japanisches Werk in Firakana [in German] (Wien: Karl Gerold’s Sohn, 1878), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

August Pfizmaier, Japanese Miscellaneous [in German] (Wien, 1852-74), donated by Ernest Mason Satow

Henri Cordier, Bibliothetheca Japonica (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1912)

Leon Rosny, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Japonaise de Nordenskiold (n. p., 1883)

Lindor Serrurier, Bibliothèque Japonaise: Catalogue Raisonné des Livres et des Manuscripts Japonais enrégistrés à la Bibliotheque de l’Universite de Leyde [in French] (Leyde: E. J. Brill, 1896)

Wilhelm Ritter Braumuller, Bibliotheca Japonica: Verzeichniss einer sammlung Japanischer Bücher [in German] (Wein: Druck von Adolf Holzhausen, 1875)

[Anon.] (ed. Friedrich von Wenckstern), Bibliography of Japanese Empire, vol. 2 (Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto: Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha, 1907)