Old Master Day Sale including Old Master Paintings, Drawings and British Works on Paper
Old Master Day Sale including Old Master Paintings, Drawings and British Works on Paper
Lot Closed
July 29, 12:14 PM GMT
15,000 - 20,000 GBP
Lot Details
Siegen 1577-1640 Antwerp
oil on panel, a red wax seal on the reverse bearing the Trevor-Roper Curzon coat-of-arms
unframed: 48.2 x 63 cm.; 19 x 24¾ in.
framed: 56.4 x 71.4 cm.; 22¼ x 28⅛ in.
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Possibly William George Cavendish, 2nd Baron Chesham (1815–1882), 1868;
Trevor-Roper Curzon, Baron Teynham collection (their red wax seal on the reverse);
With Georges Wildenstein, New York;
Madame M.W.;
By whom sold, Paris, Galerie Charpentier, 10 December 1959, lot 90 (as workshop of Rubens);
Dr Hans Wendland, Paris, 1964;
Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen;
Anonymous sale, Lucerne, Fischer, 12 June 1970, lot 508 (as Rubens);
Private collection, Zurich, 1989;
Anonymous sale, New York State, Stair Galleries Auctioneers, 27 April 2019, lot 466 (as after Rubens), where acquired.
Possibly M. Rooses, L'œuvre de P.P. Rubens, Antwerp 1890, vol. III, p. 143 (as exhibited in Leeds, 1868);
G. Martin, The Flemish School 1600–1900, London 1970, p. 157;
J. Müller Hofstede, "Stolidi Iudicium Paridis": Zur Ikonologie des Parisurteils bei Peter
Paul Rubens, in 'Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch', vol. 50, 1989, p. 183, reproduced fig. 14 (as Rubens, circa 1630–35);
L. Kopp, Das Urteil des Paris. Eine ikonologiesche Untersuchung des Paris-Mythos in
den Niederlanden des 17. Jahrunderts, Karlsruhe 2017, pp. 369–70, cat. no. 117b (as
workshop of Rubens).
Possibly Leeds, National Exhibition of Works of Art, 1868, no. 820 (lent by Lord Chesham).
Catalogue note