This important group from a Private Collection (lots 1-3, 54, 100-110), UK includes sixteen rare examples of cabinet military porcelain plates from the period of Alexander II. The Imperial porcelain factory painters executed two versions of each plate, one intended for Emperor Alexander II and the second for the heir to the throne. Inspired by the series of watercolours by Piratsky depicting Changes in the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Imperial Army during the Reign of Alexander Nicholayevich this important cabinet service was commenced in 1886. Piratsky’s series was a supplement to the famous work by the military historian Alexander Viskovatov Historical Descriptions of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army and were made after the materials in the Musuem of the Main Intendance Offico. The original watercolours are held in the Russian Museum in St Petersburg and the series was continued by Pyotr Balashov (1853-1888) after Piratsky’s death. As can be seen in the present impressive and comprehensive group of plates, the Imperial Porcelain Painters used the watercolours to inspire vignettes and poses on the plates, rather than copying them directly, creating interesting comparisons between the source material and final product.

These inventive military scenes were created by the finest painters-decorators from the period, all represented in the present group, with four by A. Morozov, two each by A. Mironov, T. Semenov, N. Kholshevnikov and A. Novikov; and one each by Wassily Midin, F. Torachkov, N. Ivanov and V. Kirsanov.

The Semirechyenskoe Cossack Host

The Semirechyenskoe Cossack Host was formed in 1867 from part of the Siberian Cossack Host. The Host derived its name from its location – Semirechyenskaya Oblast (part of modern-day Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan). Wearing their distinctive uniforms which featured raspberry red on its cap bands, shoulder straps and trouser stripes, this military group played a significant part in Russia’s expansionist colonial policy.

In 1796, the Life Guards First Artillery Brigade was formed by Peter the Great from the bombardier company of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, one of the first two Guards regiments to be established and reputed as the most elite and most loyal regiment in the Imperial Russian Army. These prestigious soldiers were divided into two brigades in 1816 served as the personal guard to the Emperor. Consequently, their very dark green uniform bore the Tsar’s monogram on the shoulders of soldiers and epaulettes of officers. Their tunic collar also featured very distinctive regimental braid patterns known as litzen, and their plastrons, collars, cuffs, and shoulder straps were red with white piping.

The 5th Alexander Hussar Regiment held its headquarters in Samara and constituted part of the 5th Cavalry Division of the Imperial Russian Army. Alongside eight other regiments, it formed the settled regiments of the Yekaterinoslav Cavalry who were charged with guarding the Dnieper defensive line. The regiment took its name from the city of Alexandriysk (later Alexandria) in Novorossiya. Its sinister badge was a striking black cross with a skull at its centre. On 25 January 1856, the Hussar Regiment became the regiment of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich the Elder.

Contributing to the 6th Cavalry Division and clad in bright blue and white uniforms, the 6th Klyastitsky Hussar Regiment was a distinguished regiment which was originally formed under the name of Grodno Hussar Regiment in 1806. This renowned regiment rose to fame in a baptism of fire: its first battle, the Battle of Preussisch Eylau, is recorded as the bloodiest battle in the 1807 war of the Fourth Coalition in which 50,000 soldiers were wounded and killed. It earned its later name on 17 February 1824 following its significant contribution to the battle at Klyastitsky during the Patriotic War in 1812. After this particular battle, many members of the regiment received military Orders such as that of St Anne and St Vladimir for their bravery. The regiment as a whole was awarded a further two silver trumpets for distinction for their contribution to the 1812-14 campaigns. The regiment was dedicated to the Grand Duke Ludwig of Hesse in 1856.