"While many may perceive my work to just be about the East and West, or the meeting of tradition and contemporary, it is actually an exploration of the world between the two. I'm not looking at the world in black and white, but trying to find the grey areas, where I can find new perspectives and ideas."
D erived from Tomokazu Matsuyama's iconic "Fictional Landscape" series, The Words Stingray (2020) is a vibrant riff on the traditional tondo form. A Renaissance term for a circular work of art, the word tondo derives from the Italian rotondo, or 'round'; created since Greek antiquity, tondi (plural of tondo) was revived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Italy. Historically, tondi featured enclosed scenes, with the circular composition serving to focus the viewer's attention on the central characters. The background scene in a tondo is either simplified or omitted altogether – a stylistic strategy which is drastically abandoned by Matsuyama, who replaces sparsity with a proliferation of naturalistic imagery and patchwork patterning. Amongst this scene, a contemporary man is depicted surrounded by a bed of flowers and animals gleaned from historical paintings. The ancient Japanese expressions of "Kacho Fugetsu" (translated literally, the characters mean "Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon", but as a single phrase can be translated as "the beauties of nature") and "Snow, Moon and Flowers" (a Japanese expression and theme in art expressing appreciation for nature) praise the beauty of the seasons, with Matsuyama referencing the traditional paintings of the Edo and Meiji eras which depict these ideas.
The canvas of the present work is composed of vivid colours, with each shape made up of a myriad of pop art-esque patterns and colours that together form a coalescent discordance. Matsuyama's depiction of the landscape and the flecks of snow are rendered in traditional Japanese style whilst drawing upon the physicality of the Abstract Expressionist movement born in the United States. In this way, Matsuyama fuses various techniques and aesthetic values together into one cohesive image. Depicted in fashionable contemporary clothing, Matsuyama successfully assigns a transient and cross-cultural identity to the poised, nonchalant central figure that is free from cultural, historical, and geographical constraints by amalgamating a dichotomy of Eastern and Western cultures.
This floaty, elusive style of depiction questions the boundaries between what is real and what is not in our modern age of digitalization and informatization. By referencing historical paintings from both ancient and modern eras of the East and West, as well as the commodities which we consume daily in our current-day lives, Matsuyama is able to create completely new images which conceptually depict modern society itself. The work featured here functions as a prime example of Matsuyama's characteristic style.