Before Bali was a breeding ground for local painting workshops, Affandi would assemble budding artists under big, bushy Banyan trees to initiate dialogue, exchange philosophies, and ultimately, build a community of literati. Under this enveloping umbrella of foliage, fresh ideas were shared, people were enlightened, and a fervent group of young intellectuals was born. Across myriad cultures, religions and eons, the Banyan tree has personified knowledge, enlightenment and life.
As a country at the cusps of tumultuous change during the Dutch occupation, Second World War, nationalist struggle, revolution and nation building, the Banyan tree was a refuge of shade and shelter in Indonesia. It became a symbol of hope and creative power. Encased in a cocoon of long-reaching branches and rich foliage, impassioned like-minded individuals engaged in discourse and exchanged philosophies, fostering lasting friendships that would weather many storms.
The Banyan tree subject is synonymous with Affandi. Painted in 1971 when Affandi had already developed and mastered his iconic painting style, this Banyan tree comes to life with thick, visceral paint that delineates the swirling motion of the foliage, enlivening its ancient and writhing forms.
A magnificent force to be reckoned with, Banyan Tree is painted with Affandi's signature technique. He squeezed paint directly from its tube onto the canvas, diminishing the barrier between the painting and the self by eradicating the need for a paintbrush. He used his hands to disperse the wet pigments across the surface of the work, permeating it with his personal dynamism and innate emotions.