Black and White Paintings
New Work by Williams Godrich
Selling Exhibition: 13–25 May 2022 • London

S inger songwriter Robbie Williams and his friend and creative collaborator, Ed Godrich have been creating original art together for the past five years. This May, the duo will be premiering new work, 14 never-before-seen canvases, at a dedicated selling exhibition at Sotheby's, marking the first time their works have been exhibited publicly before, anywhere. A partnership built on, in their own words, “friendship, communication, respect and trust”, Robbie and Ed immediately bonded over a love of Abstraction and Outsider Art, which encouraged them to practice together as an artist duo. They have created a body of works - now reaching into the hundreds - with an aesthetic deeply rooted in a nostalgia for the 1990s rave and music scene: vibrant, euphoric and pulsating with life.

On View in London:

13–25 May
Weekdays: 9:00 AM–4:30 PM
Weekends: 12:00 PM–5:00 PM
(Please note the exhibition will be closed from 12-4.30pm on 19 May)


Hugo Cobb
Contemporary Art
+44 20 7293 5872

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