Lot 44
  • 44

A GROUP OF ELEVEN FANS, VARIOUS DATES AND MAKERS | A group of eleven fans, various dates and makers

3,500 - 5,500 GBP
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including a tortoiseshell fan, the sticks and guards pierced and decorated in two colours of gold foil, the guards over mother of pearl, the paper leaf painted with David playing at the court of Saul, the reverse with Jupiter appearing to Io, French, circa 1760, 29cm, 11 1/2 in; an ivory fan, the sticks and guards spangled and foiled in different tones of gold, the sequined silk leaf painted with a seated harpist and tentative lover, 27cm, 10 5/8in; a scarlet lacquer brisé fan and a finely carved ivory example, Chinese, early 19th century, 19 & 20cm, 7 1/2 & 7 7/8in; a stained wood fan, the paper leaf charmingly painted with acrobatic kite flyers, Japanese, circa 1900, 30.5cm, 14in; a tortoiseshell and game bird feather fan, the guard applied with cipher F below a royal crown, German or Austrian, circa 1880, 35.5cm, 14in; and three early 19th century Spanish fans, one pierced and gilded horn, the guards applied with gold and enamel panels set with carnelian lozenges, embroidered silk leaf, one mother of pearl with spangled sticks and gilt-metal guards set with purple pastes, printed and coloured leaf, the third of gilded ivory, the elaborately sequinned leaf printed and coloured with 'Entrada de los Reyes y Real famillia en la Ciudad de Barcelona el dio II dev Sept. de 18[1]2', in original foiled paper case, 14-21.5cm, 5 1/2-81/2in, two further fans and three cases


the first in very good condition; the second in mint condition, minute loss to the gold foil on the right guard only; the leather ribbon of the third damaged in two places, the sticks hence detached, minor wear; the ribbon of the fourth damaged in four places, four guards detached; the fifth with slight wear and a few tears and one hole to the leaf; the sixth with several detached guards and loose ribbon; the seventh and eighth in very good condition, minute loss to the pale blue enamel; the ninth with a few loose sequins, a few losses to gilding and a couple of inlaid silver dots missing to the guard and the sticks, some wear to paper, commensurate with age; the other two with slight damage to paper leaf
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.

Catalogue Note

The triumphal entry of King Carlos IV of Spain and Queen Maria Luisa to Barcelona on 11 September 1802 was described in the London Morning Post of 22 November 1802, 'The triumphal car, in which the Royal Pair entered the town, was covered with sheets of gold, sustaining at [the] top a crown of diamonds of immense value ... The procession lasted upwards of two hours, and the enthusiasm of the people ... was excessive'. For further details of the event, see the footnote to a pearl, gold and enamel snuff box, Guidon, Gide and Blondet, Geneva, 1802-1804 (Sotheby's London, 3 July 2012, lot 172) and Maria de los Angeles Pérez Samper, Barcelona, Corte, La visita de Carlos !V en 1802, Barcelona, 1973. See further pictures on sothebys.com

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